From Sam Adams To Trump – A Galactic Leap

Let me begin with fact that Donald Trump is not the political dynamo anywhere like the Founding Father Samuel Adams. Be clear that Samuel Adams exercised his political savvy, communication style and ability to stand against tyrants and despots based on his Puritan Reformation Biblical grounding and exemplified life. Therefore Adams, of the three characters in the posting is the only one that purposefully lived and acted to honor God in all that he did and attempt to instantiate Christian Nationalism at both State and National levels.

Considering the two-hundred years of God and government up to 1776, what is now the full transition from a Biblical Reformation Congregations of a ‘moral republic’ to now, our present depraved governance of the enlightenment ‘imperium supra Dei,’ government above God, which very much also rules in the majority of Christian Congregations – hence, godless governance rules the family, church and in every institution associated in these United States. The transitory time of the ‘Gilded Age’ more deeply developed the sense of the ‘political establishment’ that gave rise to the first New York ‘scraper’ Teddy Roosevelt.

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