BDS Blocks Israeli Ship in Oakland

Boycott Jews (BDS) Group Blocks Israeli Ship From Unloading in Oakland

By Geller Report Staff – on June 9, 2021

The sick and anti-Semitic BDS Movement must really be desperate. Their ongoing attempts to persuade multinational tech companies to boycott Israel have failed spectacularly. Now they are resorting to physically stopping Israeli ships from unloading containers in ports across America. It is almost laughable how pathetic the BDS Movement is. Despite all of the support that they receive from the Left, they still can’t damage Israel’s economy.

Pro-BDS Group Blocks Israeli Ship From Unloading in Oakland

By Algemeiner, June 8, 2021

Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters prevented the unloading of an Israeli container ship from Asia at the Port of Oakland on Friday, with the cooperation of the local longshoremen’s union, which refused to unload the vessel.

The protest was sponsored and organized by the Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC), a pro-Palestinian BDS group operating in the Bay Area.

In a Sunday Facebook post, the group, which claimed “thousands” streamed to the protest throughout Friday, praised International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10, which it said had “honored the 6 simultaneous community pickets during both the morning and evening shifts, and did not work the ship.”

“Knowing that it could break neither our blockade nor the workers’ demonstration of solidarity, in a dramatic move, community members watched as the Israeli apartheid-profiteering ship left the port of Oakland! #BlockTheBoat #BDS,” AROC said.




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