
School Corruption and Propaganda Calendar 

“Are you sick of your children being subjected to incessant, inaccurate and dangerous messages enlisting their support for—or worse, their involvement in — homosexuality or gender deviance? And often now, this indoctrination will be interwoven with racism lessons, as if sexual immorality is similar.”…Mission America

Can Mentor Schools Be Saved?

The Mentor Board of Education voted 3-2 (Payne and Ioppolo dissenting) last night to remove the sexual content policy, which flagged books that were deemed sexually explicit. and notified parents that their child checked out a book with sexual content. The board also voted 3-2 to remove the opportunity for taxpayers to donate books to the school to help balance out their book collections.

Subversion in Public Schools

“”The campaign against America, for example, was to encourage mass immigration in order to dilute national identity, to stimulate and exacerbate racial arguments, to attack, through law and media propaganda, any distinction between the genders, and to prematurely awaken lustful sexual appetites among young children by introducing pornography into school curricula…” John Taylor Gatto

CHAPTER 13: Fomenting Race Wars Begins in Kindergarten

“American education was chosen as the vulnerable soft target for revolution—no bullets required. The long-term strategy was that two generations of leftist educational indoctrination would transform America from a capitalist constitutional republic into the socialist state required for internationalized one-world government.”…Linda Goudsmit