The Global Respect Act

The Global Respect Act

Written by: Gregory Mertz of Citizen Go
January 19, 2022

Imagine you live in an America where the President of the United States can reject the entry of the Pope or religious leaders who oppose same-sex marriage.

That sounds chilling, right?

Soon, Democrats in the House of Representatives and the Senate are readying to pass what they call “The Global Respect Act.” If passed, The Global Respect Act will do just that.

The only way the Global Respect Act becomes a reality is if Republicans sell out people of faith. That’s why we are asking you to sign our petition to Congressman McCarthy and Senator McConnell asking the Republican Caucus to block the passage of the Global Respect Act.

Sign now, and we will send your signature to McCarthy and McConnell on your behalf. We hope to reach 10,000 signatures in under 48 hours.

The Global Respect Act is expected to be up for a vote in the House of Representatives soon. The passage of this bill comes at the behest of the United Nations.

Their recommendation stems from a report in which the United Nations Independent Expert on Violence and Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity said, “States should adopt decisive action when religious authorities, leaders or agents infringe on the rights of LGBT persons through violence and discrimination, including hate speech” (C-fam).

To them, discrimination could be as simple as a religious leader refusing to support a same-sex wedding ceremony.

We must send a loud enough message to the Republican Caucus in the House and Senate. 10,000 signatures in 48 hours is the starting point.

Add your name to the petition against the Global Respect Act. Joe Biden or any POTUS should not have the ability to deny entry to members of the faith-based community.

The past and current focuses are to deny entry to those who have committed genocide, terrorism, and acts of torture.

If the Global Respect Act passes, members of the faith-based community will be added to the list next to terrorists, cartels, dictators, and warlords.

It seems that under the Biden administration, the standards for discrimination have expanded to include refusing to participate in a same-sex wedding ceremony, opposing special LGBTQ+ education classes in schools, and refusing to support the LGBTQ+ political agenda. Sadly, the political agenda steering for LGBTQ+ advocacy will be greater than the rights for someone to practice their faith.

We are asking for your signature to Congressman McCarthy and Senator McConnell. Asking the Republican Caucus to block the passage of The Global Respect Act.

Sincerely, Gregory Mertz and the entire CitizenGO Team


When one person’s right is greater than the right of another person, it’s labeled a special right. The Global Respect Act is nothing more than a starting point to assign special rights. Under Biden, freedom of speech and religion will not be equal to these special rights. Sign now before it’s too late.

More information:Democrats Seek to Block Religious Leaders from Entering the Country (C-fam)…

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CitizenGO is a community of active citizens that works to ensure that human life, the family and our freedoms are respected worldwide. CitizenGO members live in every nation of the world. Our team is spread across 16 countries on 5 continents and operates in 12 languages. Learn about CitizenGO here or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.


Categories: National News

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