Ohio State Central Committee Has Questions for Chairman Paduchik

LFC Comments: We received the following from a State Central Committeeman. It covers many financial discrepancies between ORP State Central Committee filings and the campaign filings of DeWine Husted for Ohio, Dave Yost for Ohio, and Friends of Faber. Stay tuned, we will report on any reply from Paduchik or Johnson.


Sent: Sunday February 27 2022 3:28:09PM
Subject: Ohio Republican Party Financial Filing Mismatch Questions

Chairman Paduchik and Treasurer Johnson,

Per your request at our State Central Committee meeting on February 18th to ask our finance questions via email, here are some questions I have about the financial filings submitted by the ORP.

As a member of the Financial Review Committee, I am concerned with the information in our State of Ohio financial filings.  Please explain the following discrepancies between the financial filings of the Ohio Republican State Central Committee and the campaign filings of Dewine Husted for Ohio, Dave Yost for Ohio, and Friends of Faber.  The below numbers are from the July 1, 2021 thru December 31, 2021 financial filings.

Dewine Husted for Ohio reported in-kind contributions from the ORP of $520,784.

The ORP only reported making in-kind contributions to the Dewine Husted for Ohio campaign for a total of $286,869.

Why did the Dewine Husted for Ohio campaign report $233,915 more than the ORP?

Dave Yost for Ohio reported in-kind contributions from the ORP of $137,532.

The ORP only reported making in-kind contributions to the Dave Yost for Ohio campaign for a total of $86,780.

Why did the Dave Yost for Ohio campaign report $50,752 more than the ORP?

Friends of Faber reported in-kind contributions from the ORP of $105,699.

The ORP only reported making in-kind contributions to the Friends of Faber campaign for a total of $555.

Why did the Friends of Faber campaign report $105,144 more than the ORP?

Please explain why it looks as if we are not properly tracking our in-kind contributions to these campaigns.

What will be done to fix these discrepancies?

Thank You,

Jim Burgess

State Central Committeeman

District #15


Categories: State of Ohio

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