Men of Honor Social Club’s 2022 Scholarships

“Men of honor, strength, and integrity are essential to a well-functioning society. The Men of Honor Social Club is a community of Men aspiring to live those ideals. Our mission is to gather in fellowship, provide support to our community, and develop the next generation of Men through mentoring and scholarship. Members of the Men of Honor Social Club believe all humans are created equal and endowed with certain unalienable rights. Chief among those rights are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, and those expressed in the Bill of Rights. Members will, to the best of their ability, defend those rights.”

At the July 23, 2022 Men of Honor meeting, three outstanding Lake County students were selected to receive financial scholarships from the Club.

The first place winner is Joshua Hammel, shown below with his family members and the Men of Honor Executive Committee.

Joshua Hammel – 1st Place winner of $2,000.00

Here is Joshua’s award winning essay submitted to the Men of Honor Scholarship Committee.

Essentials of a Well-Functioning Society 

Written by Joshua Hammel
May 31, 2022

As the quality of character in politicians, celebrities, and the media plummets, the necessity of honor, strength, and integrity in this society becomes evident. This nation is experiencing an epidemic where the loudest, most authoritative voices are those of seemingly twisted mentalities. As undivided support for individuals in the form of “influencer culture” propagates upon our soil, the powerful’s grip on our population tightens, further implanting their corrupt thoughts and ideas into our minds. The consequences of such are heartbreaking; our country is plagued with widespread violence, endless misinformation, and the rampant radicalization of its youth. Look at the 2020 Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, where misled, young Americans attempted to aggressively break apart from the country, falling into a deep state of dishonor in the eyes of their peers. It seems as if nobody will stand up for the beliefs and ideals upon which the nation was founded on. 

What this country needs is a population that is rooted in honor, strength, and integrity. A man of honor does not forsake his nation; he will defend it to the hilt for the thriving of his family and neighbors. A man of strength will not run away from his problems and loathe privately in anger; he will challenge the source head-on and make direct changes through diplomacy and respect. A man of integrity will not submit to the poisonous tongues of the deceitful; he will stand up mightily for what he believes is just, no matter the cost. With citizens similar to the described, any society in the world can become prosperous and worthy of acclaim.


Here is Donovan Malaney with his family and the Men of Honor Executive Committee.

Donovan Malaney, winner of a $500 Men of Honor Scholarship


Here is Brandon Boyles with his family and the Men of Honor Executive Committee.

Brandon Boyles, winner of a $500 Men of Honor Scholarship


The following is a short video commemorating the event for the big winners. Congratulations to all the winners. No doubt your families are very proud of you, and your scholastic and extra-curricular accomplishments set you apart from your peers.


Categories: Men of Honor


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