Parental Rights…Combatting Sinister Woke Agenda in Public Schools

3 Books That Will Strengthen Your Child

Today woke ideologues are rushing to be the first voice that your child hears. Be sure you beat them to it and instill the values that are important to you.

We consistently hear this challenge from parents, so below are 3 books we’ve vetted that parents can safely read to their children regarding important topics. 

1) A Book to Help Children Protect Their Bodies
2) Momma, Did You Hear the News?
3) A Simple Plan To Protect Young Minds

We always recommend parents vet everything prior to showing their child, even if it’s “Courage Is A Habit” making those suggestions)


­As a start-up we rely on your support to continue arming parents with tools and strategies to protect children from the Transgender Cult. Please support us with a $10 monthly investment or a one-time contribution. Every dollar goes right back to helping parents win the war against woke indoctrination in K-12.


­­If you don’t know the rights that you and your child have, it is easy for schools to lie to you. Download this Parent Consent Letter that contains an explanation of the Protection of Pupil Rights Act and a consent letter that you should submit to your child’s school immediately.­­
­­­Respectfully,The Courage Is A Habit Team





Categories: Education


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