Christian Weiss is not right for the Riverside School Board

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

We received this article from a Concerned Riverside School District taxpayer.


Christian Weiss is not right for the Riverside School Board

It has come to my attention through the next-door app that Christian
Weiss had an incident in Chardon where he assaulted a Dairy Queen
worker a young woman.

Christian Weiss is running for the Riverside Local School district board
of education and when I saw that message, I dug a little deeper into
Mr. Weiss background and let me tell you I was surprised to see he
has a lengthy criminal record.

The one incident in Chardon caused him to be arrested for assault
then he plead to disorderly conduct. He was then sentenced to one
year probation this was just in 2021-2022!! He was submitted to drug
and alcohol testing, and he was ordered to attend counseling for
mental health.

He was also arrested for Domestic violence which was amended to
disorderly conduct, and he plead guilty.

He spent 40+ days in jail after being found guilty of attempted forgery
in Lake County and it states that this is not eligible for expungement
because he is a MULTI-STATE CONVICT.

There were 16 other criminal counts on his record just in Lake County

This information must be made known to the people voting in the
Riverside school district. We cannot allow this type of character to be
part of the board that runs our district.

All this information is public record you can take a look for yourself.

Please Do not VOTE for Christian Weiss.


LFC Comment: We offer Mr. Weiss a platform to issue a rebuttal to this article by a Concerned Riverside School Board taxpayer.




Categories: Riverside S.D.

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