Lake County Commissioners’ Debate…minus one no show…updated 3/4/24

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Heritage Club’s sponsored a debate between Lake County Commissioner Candidates at the St. John Vianney’s Social Hall in Mentor, or Thursday, February 29, 2024.

Mr. Hal Werner, Club President, invited all three candidates: Incumbent John Hamercheck, Candidate Dennis Keeney, and Candidate Morris Beverage III.

Unfortunately, Mr. Beverage did not believe that it was important to attend the debate and answer questions from the voters.

Here is the first video from the debate, and it is the candidates introducing themselves. We will update the article as we process more videos of the candidates answering questions from Mr. Werner and the audience.


Just in case you do not know what Mr. Beverage looks like, here is a flyer we received in the mail. We have been attending the Commissioners’ meetings for years, and to the best of our knowledge, Mr. Beverage has never even been to a Commissioner’s meeting. He is running as a Republican, but no Republican would donate to the campaign of a far left, radical Mentor school board candidate. At best he is a RINO. We are not sure why is looks so mean in this picture….perhaps it is just gas!

Stay tuned for more videos….


Commissioner Hamercheck answer a question on sales and property taxes. Candidate Keeney did not choose to answer the question.

Commissioner Hamercheck answers a question on taxation.
Listen to the impact the Open Border policy will have on Lake County residents.
Commissioner Hamercheck discusses human trafficking, drug enforcement and other safety issues in Lake County.

Categories: Lake County Politics

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