Indoctrinating Our Children to Death

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Indoctrinating our Children to Death 

by Alex Newman

Save the Children 

“The key question, then, is what to do,” Newman writes, “For parents,” he continues, “the answer should be obvious by now: It’s time to remove your children from these abusive environments and get them a real education, either at home or in a high-quality private education or Christian school.  All of the data shows home-educated children are running circles around their government-‘educated’ peers on everything from academics and socialization to career and tolerance.”

“The time has come to treat this situation like the deadly threat that it is,” says Newman.  If you still have children in a public school, or if you know anyone with children trapped inside, act like the building is on fire —-because it is!  In fact, it’s much worse than that.”  A fire can physically harm or kill your child, which, of course, would be terrible; but even worse is that “the schools are destroying children mentally, emotionally, academically, spiritually, culturally, morally, and more.  

“At this point, it is no longer debatable: The public school system is openly hostile to Christianity —- and to Christians”, Newman asserts.  “It is based on a worldview and theological perspective that are not just wrong but deadly, as the fruit and devastation piling up all around the United States show clearly. ” 

“What America needs isn’t more ‘conservatives’ on impotent ‘school boards,’ though there is no harm in running for school board once one’s own children are safely out of the system” he argues.  “What’s really needed is to rip the destructive government-school monopoly out by the roots and start again from scratch. 

Taking your children out of the toxic school system is the first essential step.  When we proposed this decades ago, it was considered a wackadoodle idea even by many conservatives.   Not so anymore.  Defunding and dismantling our statist school system (beginning with the Department of Education) is the next essential step.  And it is an idea whose time has come.   

“Abolishing government indoctrination centers wouldn’t undermine education one bit, any more than abolishing collective agriculture in the Soviet Union ended farming or food production.   It would make it drastically better,” Newman rightly notes.  

“For a century, conservatives, Christians, and those who love America have been fighting a losing battle against the weaponization of government ‘education’.  No matter how many millions of dollars are wasted in the fight, the situation keeps getting worse.  It’s time to stop playing a rigged game on the education establishment’s battlefield using its rules.   American parents should flee the system and build parallel institutions like their country depend on it — because they do.”




Categories: Contributors, Education


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