Peaceful Protest at Tinhorn Flats

This business has made national news. If I were to speculate, someone is trying to drive this business out to make room for a business of their choice. Just one opinion. 

Either way, the city council has not let up. Lucas, the owner, has been arrested 3 times and a restraining order placed against him and his own business.

Tonight is a council meeting and we are asking EVERYONE to call in, it’s a two minute slot. Just ask that Tinhorn Flats stop being singled out and harassed, that all charges be dropped and the business be allowed to run just as the Taco Bell a few blocks down has been running – free and without harassment. 

Also, come by today and sign an affidavit against the city council members behind this entire tyrannical abuse against Lucas and his family. All info is attached.
Hope to see you today:

Tinhorn Flats
2623 W Magnolia Blvd
Burbank 91505


Categories: Pasadena CA

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