Granger Township Citizens Fighting Menards and Their Trustees

LFC Comments: We are providing a platform to fellow patriots in Granger Township.


Dear Brian,

On behalf of Citizens Action Group, I’m sending this request individually to those on my patriot list that I trust and know personally.  Here’s a brief history explaining our cause: 

When the ‘Menards at Medina Line’ news made our local papers more than 2 years ago, our citizens’ group organized to oppose this mega-Mall in our neighborhood:   

I learned about it and joined the Citizen Action Group in December of that year.

The March 12, 2020 trustee meeting was one of the last to be held for residents to voice our concerns about the Menards development.  As a retired police officer, my husband Dale agreed to get a list of the police and EMS calls to the nearest Menards in Cuyahoga Falls in 2019, and present it to the trustees at that meeting.

It would hopefully show what a strain that a major development as a Menards would put on the Medina sheriff and volunteer fire department of a rural township such as Granger.  Our efforts however would have been fruitless.  We later learned that the trustees had planned this ‘Mega Mall’ from the beginning—that they had approached Menards – not the other way around, and any township meeting to hear residents’ concerns was all a sham.  As it turns out, because of DeWine’s Covid lockdown, that meeting was canceled and most meetings in 2020.  Ironically, Covid was a blessing for our mission, but only temporary.  In April of this year, the trustees approved the final phase of ‘Market at Medina Line’.  Fortunately however, the ‘Covid year’ allowed CAG to raise enough funds ($1500 from me) for attorneys, who found enough unethical actions for an injunction. The injunction was presented April 6th which put the Menards development on hold.  

Brian, our war with the Granger trustees is far from over.  We will need more funds for attorney’s fees to continue the legal battle, but perhaps more important, campaign money for candidates to run against 2 of the trustees up for re-election in November.  Our legal battles will never end if we don’t have honorable trustees who will uphold their by-laws and the moral standards of the positions to which they were elected.  Please help us with a donation, and please forward my below message to others. 

Many thanks. 


For those that wish to help this cause here is a link to their link: 


Dear Friends,

      If you received my email of March 11, 2020, you may recall it was about my Granger Township trustees trying to sell 300 acres of farm land to Menards Department Store to put in ‘big box mall’ at the corner of Rte 18 and my street, N. Medina Line Rd.  This ‘Mall’ will be in the middle of farms and residential property and barely one mile from our front door! In 2019, a Citizens Action Group of about dozen was formed to oppose it. This ‘Mall’ will negatively impact the lives of hundreds of families in 6 townships and 2 counties.  

     As of last month our group is now over 90 people!  We also have a web site and a ‘gofundme’ site. 

     Two of our Granger Township trustees supporting the ‘Menards Mall’, Richard Pace and Teri Berry, are up for re-election in November. Teri Berry owns some of the land in the ‘Menards Mall’ parcel.  I repeat, one Granger trustee will profit from the sale of her property!  As of today, we have one Granger resident who will run as a candidate to oppose them.  We are looking for another. Pace and Berry have planned this ‘Mall’ from the start, and as Katrina explains below, lied through their teeth to accomplish it.  Everyone, we need your help! 

     First of all: Please forward this email to those on your contact list, especially any Granger township residents you know who may consider running for trustee.     

     Second: Please read the CAG information and Tom Machor’s letter below. Tom’s eloquence summarizes our situation better than anything else I have read.  

     Third:  As of April 8, 2021 our attorney’s injunction has put the project on hold. That’s the good news. The bad news is we need more funds to continue our legal battle. 

     Fourth:  Please check out our website:  

     Fifth:   After reading the information below, I hope you will understand the harm that will be inflicted upon my husband, me and our neighbors. The urgency of this request far surpasses any I’ve ever made before. Will you help us?    

Thank you very much,


Categories: Local News

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