Pasadena Meetups

October 25, 2021
Dear Patriot Warriors,

We’re not done watching the Arizona Audit. Not much is being broadcast but we are only halfway through. Other states are also beginning audits and once Arizona is complete, we will see how rampant the theft or our voice has been.     

Many say they won’t vote until the system is cleaned up. We must realize that it is because we voted that the fraud has been revealed and laid out for an audit. The discrepancy between the magnificent number of votes cast in favor of the White House Squatter and his basement campaign led to the impossibility of the results.

All is being revealed but this does not mean that we sit and watch. This isn’t a movie, this is a war. It’s a war where the weapons of the enemy are aimed at your mind, your soul, and your spirit. Be diligent about what you watch, who you listen to, and where you invest your time. Be discerning about whom you trust.      

Make no mistake about it, we are living in “last days” times. Many have been deceived, many have been taken advantage of.  Jesus warned us, “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” Matthew 24:4,5

Test everything and question everything.  “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:1
School Choice initiative has arrived from the printers. Let’s bankrupt the teacher’s union. Next time you see me, let me know that you want sheets to collect signatures, I will have them with me.

I look forward to another night of good food with great Patriots. See you Wednesday (flyer attached). Several other event flyers are also attached.
Giannina “Gia” D’AmatoCandidate for California State Assembly, District 51
Founding Immediate Past President, Greater Pasadena Republican Assembly
Founder, Silent No More (an Action Coalition for Boots on the Ground)
God First (
Pasadena CA –Lobbyists for Citizens

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Categories: Pasadena CA

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