Lake County Public High Schools

LFC Comments by Brian Massie, Lake County resident for 40 years

Thanks to a Concord lobbyist for sending us this information on the Lake County Public school rankings found on

If you would like to see Riverside’s test scores for 8th grade and High School for 2021, follow this link.

JUST IN! Ohio test scores and updated rankings for the 2020-21 school year were posted to SchoolDigger this week! *Please note that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on standardized testing and the number of schools reporting results are lower.…

LFC compiled the following schedule from the School digger website. As you can see all of the high schools, except the stellar performing Kirtland High School, suffered greatly due to the Covid plandemic restrictions.

Congratulations again to the Kirtland teachers, staff and Administration for maintaining their high standards in spite of a very difficult year.

At 61.88, Riverside was not even a solid “D”. This performance will not help their efforts to convince taxpayers in the Riverside School District to support their 5.37 mill, 37 year, $147,725.00 Bond Levy. (You many need to use the rotate icon to read the schedule.)


Categories: Riverside S.D.

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