Sarah Thomas Kovoor for Judge

Conservative Republican Sarah Kovoor is running against the extreme establishment RINO John “HB 6” Eklund.

Senator John Eklund supported HB 6, in fact, he championed the cause as he proudly stated on his Facebook page.

John Eklund was not elected to the Eleventh District Court of Appeals. He was appointed by his BFF, Governor Mike DeWine. Eklund termed out of the State Senate position, and like other swamp creatures he was rewarded for his loyalty to other Republicans. Politicians love being appointed because they get to deceive the voters by claiming that they are the “incumbent”.

One of the reasons our country and the State of Ohio is in deep trouble is because we keep recycling the same names and electing them to different positions.

Mr. Eklund, you are known by the company you keep!

For those that are still unaware of the HB 6 scandal please read this article by

Excerpts of the article:

“The investigation into Ohio’s largest corruption scheme is all about money and power. The owner of two nuclear power plants in northern Ohio wanted a $1 billion bailout to keep its plants running. A Republican lawmaker hoping to make a comeback wanted help returning to power.

The result, federal investigators say, was a nearly $61 million bribery scheme to elect Perry County Rep. Larry Householder to lead the Ohio House of Representatives, pass House Bill 6 to subsidize the nuclear plants and defend that law against a ballot initiative to block it.

In July 2020, Householder and four allies were arrested on racketeering charges and now face up to 20 years in prison for their alleged crimes. In the months since, Akron-based FirstEnergy has fired executives, a state utility regulator has resigned following a FBI search of his home and federal investigators have continued asking questions.


LFC Comments by Brian Massie, Executive Director

LFC never endorses a candidate for any public office, and we will provide a platform for all candidates, regardless of political party, that contact us to get their message across to the voters.  Any assistance we provide a candidate is simply a service to the citizens, and meets our mission of promoting the common good, and general welfare of the people of the community.

All candidates may want to determine if our assistance is deemed as an “in-kind contribution” as written in the Ohio Revised Code concerning election laws.




Categories: Kovoor for Judge, Lake County Politics

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