Dr. Walensky pretends she was stupid.

Here is a clip of Dr Walensky, head of the CDC, recently making mind numbing statements. (1)


I have to ask you, “How can I, a very tiny, minuscule speck in the world of “science”, have known more than the ALLEGED leader of the CDC for the last two years?” Answer: I trusted TRUSTWORTHY doctors and scientists, who proved to me repeatedly, with data and receipts, that what they said was TRUE. In the meantime, Dr Walensky either was completely duplicitous or terribly incompetent. Either way, she and all within CDC who supported this dangerous charade, needs fired.

There were hundreds of doctors and scientists who publically questioned the CDC’s recommendations over the last 18 months. Some examples include the following: Dr Simone Gold, Dr Richard Urso, Dr Jay Bhattacharya, Dr Martin Kulldorf, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Pierre Kory, Dr Byrom Bridle, Dr Paul Alexander, etc. (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) These people, and so many more, told you (and the FDA) repeatedly about the data Dr Walensky. You CHOSE to ignore it.

The CDC’s data was manipulated and skewed. I pointed this out multiple times over the last two years, based on the same data and experts you had access to. I knew who to trust, and it was not you, lying Dr Fauci, the corrupt FDA or corrupt ACIP. Everyone in the world were censored, fired, smeared and/or other punishments doled out, toward anyone who challenged the CDC’s propaganda.

Dr Walensky, you knew all of this was happening. You never stepped up to fight for the scientific method (gray science) and those who knew the data you were peddling was not level 1 evidence. (9, 10) Instead, you acted like science was settled on the vaccines. You even went so far as to tell pregnant women to inject themselves with this experimental mRNA technology. You only step up now when the receipts are being released to the public, thanks to Attorney Aaron Siri. (11, 12) There is a special place for you to risk the newborns’ future health based on so much you did/do not know. There is a moral and ethical obligation to have the facts before recommendation to inject pregnant women with experimental technology, not after. You crossed so many lines Dr Walensky. Hopefully, the law will agree, and all who perpetrated these crimes against humanity will pay.

In truth,

Mary Pruitt

(1) https://rumble.com/vwgz67-cdc-director-jokes-about-the-vaccine-that-nobody-told-her-it-will-wear-off.html

(2) https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/

(3) https://gbdeclaration.org

(4) https://covidcarealliance.com

(5) https://globalcovidsummit.org/

(6) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GX-Dbka3e4U

(7) https://brownstone.org/articles/the-attack-on-scientific-dissent-becomes-ever-more-brutal/

(8) https://c19early.com/

(9) https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/08/vaccines_what_if_all_the_silenced_scientists_warning_against_them_are_right.html

(10) (start video at 40 minute marker) https://rumble.com/vt62y6-covid-19-a-second-opinion.html

(11) https://phmpt.org/

(12) https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/instead-of-fdas-requested-500-pages?s=r


Categories: National News


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