Bob Paduchik is out as Ohio Republican Party Chairman

  • Published: Nov. 09, 2022, 2:56 p.m.

Bob Paduchik won’t seek reelection as Ohio Republican Party chairman


COLUMBUS, Ohio – The day after an election where his party won all the Ohio statewide elected offices on the ballot, Ohio Republican Party Chair Bob Paduchik announced he won’t seek reelection as state party chairman.

“It is time for a new leader to take leadership of the party, and I look forward to the January election of ORP officers,” Paduchik said in a letter to members of the Ohio Republican State Central Committee.

The letter applauded the party for defending its seats on Ohio’s Supreme Court and retaining the U.S. Senate seat that Rob Portman is vacating “after an expensive and tough primary.” He also applauded how his party weathered “the redistricting debacle, massive out of state Democrat funding, and of course a hostile press that continues to support Democrats

“A less serious challenge came from the secret dark money organizations that attempted a coup last September,” his letter continued. “The Committee for a Better Ohio, Ohio Promise Keepers and a few failed candidates put our Election victories at risk, but we fought back and kept our focus on November victories.”

Paduchik in September staved off an attempt by state party officials to replace him less than two months before the November general election. Some committee members sought to replace Paduchik with Ohio GOP Vice Chair Bryan Williams because of the party’s decision to endorse Gov. Mike DeWine for reelection in the primary election in May, as well as questions over financial issues. The central committee voted 44-20 to reject the replacement effort.

Paduchik was elected Ohio GOP chair in February 2021 after his predecessor, Jane Timken, resigned to run (ultimately unsuccessfully) for U.S. Senate. Prior to that, Paduchik served as ex-President Donald Trump’s Ohio state campaign director in 2016 and co-chaired the Republican National Committee from 2017 to 2019.

Ohio Democratic Party Chair Liz Walters told reporters she was surprised to learn of Paduchik’s departure.

“Obviously, Bob and I have very different sets of ideals about what we’re focused on,” said Walters. “I, more than anyone, knows how tough these jobs are. I always enjoyed sparring with him and I sincerely wish him well on whatever’s next for him.”


LFC Comments: One has to wonder what is “the story behind the story”. Perhaps, Mr. Paduchik is resigning to support and chair the Ohio campaign for the soon to be announced candidate, Donald J. Trump for President of the United States in 2024. Trump was very complimentary of Mr. Paduchik while Trump was endorsing Mike DeWine for Governor. Conservative Republicans showed great angst upon hearing those endorsements, and are still scratching their body parts over what do they do now!


Categories: State of Ohio

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