Trump Voters Need to Turn Out for the Ohio Primary

Trump Voters Need to Turn Out for the Ohio Primary . . .

Or the Democrats are Going to Pick YOUR Republican Candidates!

By Tom Zawistoski . Executive Director of We the People Convention

The Republican primary race to pick the presidential nominee for November is over! Despite what Fox News and the anti-Trump establishment try to tell you, Nikki Halley is going to lose her home state of South Carolina by 30% or more and has never been a serious candidate. Trump is the Republican nominee and when he sweeps all eleven primaries on Super Tuesday there will be no doubt.

So if you are an Ohio Trump supporter, you may be thinking “Why should I take the time to vote in the March 19th Ohio Republican Primary when Trump has already won the nomination?” You may rationalize that by thinking “I will wait to vote in November when my vote will really count!”

Here is why your thinking could not be more wrong. Unlike 2016 and 2020 when a Trump victory in Ohio was in doubt, there is no doubt Trump is going to win Ohio in 2024 – probably by 10-12 percent. However, if Trump is going to be able to “Make America Great Again”, if we can elect him President again, we in Ohio have a huge national responsibility that requires your vote not just in November but in the March 19th Primary.

What is that responsibility? We have to take back control of the US Senate by defeating Sherrod Brown. WE MUST REPLACE SHERROD BROWN! Plus, we have to increase our slim hold on the US House by gaining as many as three new US House seats and upgrading two more in Ohio. We have to elect conservatives in the Ohio House and Ohio Senate plus County officials like Sheriffs and local officials.

Why is that more important this year than in the past? First of all, Trump needs to “fundamentally change” our federal government if elected and he needs much more than executive orders this time – he needs legislation. There is no legislation if we don’t take control of the US Senate and increase our control of the US House. Defeating Sherrod Brown gives us the critical 51st vote to take control of the Senate. But consider this, Trump has promised to deport all 10 million illegals Biden has let into our nation in the past three years and he is going to need the support – not the obstruction – of state and local authorities to do so! If you don’t vote in the primary for conservative Pro-Trump, MAGA, America First candidates at the state and local levels then YOU are letting Trump down by not helping him implement deportations and other reforms in Ohio!

Then consider this serious concern. The Democrats, who scream all the time that they are “Defending Democracy”, have RIGGED their own party primary elections to prevent Democrat voters from having a vote by not allowing anyone to running against clueless Joe Biden and Communist Sherrod Brown or anyone else on their ballot. Why should you care? You should care because Ohio law allows Democrats to cross over on election day to vote in the Republican Primary. 


Categories: State of Ohio

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