What Does it Take to Switch Parties?

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Here is a Nebraska State Senator that can say his Democrat Party left him, and now he is leaving them. When you listen to his short video you will hear him say that he wants to reduce property taxes – now that is someone we can get behind.

If we could just get more Ohio politicians to believe that property taxes need to be reduced, we might have a chance to keep seniors in their homes.

Any tax that, if unpaid, causes a citizen to become homeless is immoral.

However, there is another reason to switch parties in Lake County, Ohio. When you are a Democrat and want to be elected, you switch parties and become a RINO. You can fool the voters by claiming to be a “conservative”, and get endorsements from other Republicans that want to maintain their power within the “Uni-Party”. It is a very effective strategy.

Categories: Lake County Politics

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