
All articles written by outside contributors

CHAPTER 20: In Their Own Words: The Sexual Revolution Begins in Kindergarten

“Our defiance is rooted in education. We fight fire with fire—we protect our children with lessons about secrets. We teach our children that secrets are danger signals. If anyone tells them don’t tell your parents, it is the signal that they will be hurt. Children must be taught to tell their parents the secret. Just like a red light means STOP and a green light means GO, being asked to keep a secret means TELL.”…Linda Goudsmit

CHAPTER 17: Cultural Terrorism Comes to America

“The sexual revolution drastically changed attitudes about sexual behavior and freedom of sexual expression. Those changes were animated, echoed, and reflected in literature, films, and legislation. Eventually the counterculture attitudes of sexual freedom and liberation from traditional Judeo-Christian sexual restrictions touched the children.”…Linda Goudsmit