
All articles written by outside contributors

CHAPTER 16: Ideological Invasion

“Instead of embracing individualism and the separation of powers that distinguish our constitutional republic, Frankfurt School émigrés continued to advance their collectivist ideology with religious fanaticism, missionary zeal, and the hubris characteristic of supremacist ideologues.”…Linda Goudsmit

Subversion in Public Schools

“”The campaign against America, for example, was to encourage mass immigration in order to dilute national identity, to stimulate and exacerbate racial arguments, to attack, through law and media propaganda, any distinction between the genders, and to prematurely awaken lustful sexual appetites among young children by introducing pornography into school curricula…” John Taylor Gatto

Preventing Abuse, or Sexualizing Children?

“What these Ohio parents– and they aren’t alone–  discovered is that Second Step’s bias is clear in promoting “LGBTQ” material to even young children, and then if you look at the underlying child development approach, their “expertise” is way off base and may even lead children into being groomed for sexual abuse.”…Linda Harvey

CHAPTER 13: Fomenting Race Wars Begins in Kindergarten

“American education was chosen as the vulnerable soft target for revolution—no bullets required. The long-term strategy was that two generations of leftist educational indoctrination would transform America from a capitalist constitutional republic into the socialist state required for internationalized one-world government.”…Linda Goudsmit

“Day of NO Silence”

“Recently, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) announced that its annual “Day of Silence” for homosexual, bisexual and cross-gender identifying students, will now be re-positioned as the “Day of (No) Silence” and held on Friday, April 12.”…Linda Harvey

Chapter 12: Seeding Race Wars

“The nuclear family is the societal infrastructure of our constitutional republic. Globalism, a binary sociopolitical system of rulers and ruled, makes no space for the nuclear family because it is a competing ideology. The globalist strategic plan is to destroy the American family in order to destroy America. The tactical plan is to divide and conquer. Subversive education is the weapon, students are the target, and teachers are the foot soldiers.”…Linda Goudsmit