Equality Act is Pure Evil…do something about it!

Contact your legislators

Written by: Jan Just Thinking
February 27, 2021

Here it is again rearing its ugly radical head. The Equality Act is a misnomer. So wrong on many levels.

It denies objective truth and reality. It has passed in the House of Representatives, now headed to the Senate. The damage Biden and Co are loosing on us is evil.

Please can we have a call for prayer and active phone calling of all senators? (not just Portman and Sherrod Brown who both may vote for it).

Very troubling. It will cause biblical virtue voices to be silenced and religious freedom to suffer. Every church will be challenged at some point.

We can’t live in a vacuum and ignore this. We need to be proactive, and less reactive. Pray and contact lawmakers.

Jan Just Thinking

Categories: Community Activism, Congress, National News

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