It’s a Matter of Life

“It’s A Matter Of Life…”

Written by: “Anonymous One”
September 12, 2021

In the last couple of years we have seen the gates of Hell spew out a volcanic eruption of anti-life attacks. Babies in the womb, and outside the womb, are being killed at an alarming rate.

The infirm and the elderly are in danger of being euthanized. We have seen anti-life protesters across the nation seemingly possessed by evil spirits as they cheer abortion and scream out against the recent heartbeat bill signed into law in Texas.

The editorial board of a Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) student newspaper slammed the decision to recognize the campus pro-life group, which the paper called “a danger to the student body.”

Our Lord said in the final days good would be bad and bad would be good. We don’t know if this is the time that our Lord spoke of or not. All we know is that the times are very dark.

Our Judeo-Christian faith is under attack on a daily basis.

Through all of this onslaught, however, we can find comfort if we but remember, God has promised to destroy all evil one day and restore the heavens and the earth to their proper state. He promised to be with His Church until the end of time.

Trust in the Lord. Keep calm. Keep the faith. He is still on His throne.


Categories: Right to Life

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