Concerning Issues for All Californians

Concerning for All Californians


AB 1184: Requires health insurance companies to hide medical procedures like abortions, cross-sex hormones, and other sensitive services that minors receive from parents.  

AB 101: Adds the completion of a one-semester course in ethnic studies (CRT) as a high school graduation requirement. 


SB 357: Decriminalizes loitering for the purpose of prostitution. This bill is a pre-cursor to decriminalizing prostitution. 

SB 380: Decreases the time period between oral requests from 15 days to 48 hours for medication to end a life and raises serious concerns regarding the mental health of terminally ill patients.

AB 1223: Imposes an excise tax on the sale of firearms and ammunition.

What is AB 1102 and why does it still show as a teleconference healthcare bill?  Oftentimes, legislators use the “gut and amend” method as a way to fast track bills through the legislature. This speaks to the lengths some California legislators will go to pass outlandish bills that originally would’ve never made it past the first house.  We have sources from inside the capital sounding the alarm on AB 1102, claiming that newly proposed language is concerning for ALL Californians.  

Legislators refuse to call it a vaccine passport bill, but we are calling it as we see it. If the changes are made to AB 1102, the newly amended bill would pave the way for vaccine passports in the workplace. If passed, AB 1102 will allow employers to make the COVID-19 vaccine a requirement for employment.

An employer would also be permitted to require their employees to receive booster shots as the CDC recommends.   This bill will permit employers to require existing employees to comply by giving them 60 days to be fully vaccinated. This is coercion. Employers should not coerce their employees to receive COVID-19 vaccines and use employment as their leverage. This is WRONG. 

People should decide for themselves and for their families what’s best for them. The government should not be forcing individuals to receive vaccines they do not want.

Contact your state Senators and Assembly members and tell them to vote NO on any vaccine passport bill.    Contact your state Senator and Assembly members TODAY and tell them to vote NO on AB 1102. Remind them who they represent and watch how they vote on this dangerously intrusive bill. 


Categories: Pasadena CA

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