Willoughby – Eastlake Board of Education Applicants for Open Position

LFC Comments by Brian Massie –

We were asked by several interested Willoughby – Eastlake voters to look into the process of the filling the open position on the Willoughby – Eastlake Board of Education. We sent a records request this morning, and received a very prompt reply from Board President, Mr. Thomas Beal, and the Treasurer, Mr. Nicholas E. Ciarniello. We thank both of them for their timely response and their transparency.

Here is the announcement from the Board of Education about seeking applicants to fill the unexpired term of board member Mr. Michael Merhar, who resigned on September 13, 2021.

Here is our records request:

Here are the applications for those that have applied for the position.

Word on the street is that Mr. Nicholas R. Brown has the inside track for the position. We cannot confirm nor deny that conjecture. Mr. Brown did send a reply to LFC’s questionnaire that was sent to all school board candidates in Lake County. We were not impressed with his response asking us to define words in every question. He came across as a typical lawyer trying to impress with obfuscation rather than just answering questions that average citizens want to have answered.

Mr. Brown did speak at the Meet the Candidates night at Eastlake City Hall. Here is a link to our article that we published. You will find a video of Mr. Brown in the article.

Here is Mr. Brown’s two page application for the open Board position: “Click on “<” or “>” to see page 2.

Categories: Eastlake, Education, Lake County Cities & Townships, Willoughby, Willoughby Hills

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