Open Letter to Jamie Callender, State Representative for District 61…updated 12/29/21

Open letter to Jamie Callender, Ohio State Representative, District 61 regarding House Bill1

We received a postcard from Representative Callender, and the fact that he sponsored House Bill 1, called the fair school funding plan, caught our attention. We decided to contact our Representative, and ask for some details on exactly how our property taxes will be reduced.

Below the postcard, you will see the correspondence we sent to Representative Callender. We will update this article when we receive a response from him or his office.

To: State Representative Jamie Callender (District 61)

Can you please provide me with details on how HB 1 will “reduce local school reliance on property taxes”.

I would like to know how much will local property taxes be reduced, and where will the funding come from that will permit the reduction of property taxes?  How can you ensure that local property taxes will be reduced?

We have been stating for many years that if we stay on the path of ever-increasing property taxes, we will price seniors and those living on fixed incomes out of their homes that they have worked all their lives to achieve.  With the inflation rate increasing the cost of food, medicine and other essentials; the Democrats’ and RINOs’ obsession to eliminate fossil fuels thereby increasing gasoline costs, we are going to see more home foreclosures in the near future.

I would highly suggest that you consider Representative Dan Troy’s proposal to increase the Homestead Exemption.  However, it needs to be a meaningful increase, and not just a token increase to garner the senior vote.


Brian Massie
Lobbyists for Citizens


Updated 12/29/21 at 11:00 am

Here is the response we received from Representative Callender’s office:

Mr. Massie,

Thank you for contacting Representative Callender and for sharing your thoughts. He appreciates hearing from constituents.

HB 1, as it was enacted in the state budget, completely restructures K-12 funding and is the most comprehensive action taken by the legislature to address Ohio’s school funding challenges since the Derolph v. State of Ohio decision in 1997.  The plan shifts more of the financial burden for education to the state and directs more state dollars to local school districts.

Since property tax rates are set at the local level by ballot, I cannot tell you how much your property taxes will be reduced or guarantee that there will indeed be a reduction in what you are currently paying; but the new funding plan is expected to provide increases in base state aid to all Lake County districts.  There will also be targeted funding made available to schools for a variety of categories including gifted students and special education.

It is important to note that this plan is being funded by existing state revenue streams and increased tax receipts. Representative Callender stated at the beginning of this process that he did not support funding this proposal through a tax increase and the final product does not contain one.

As the plan is phased in over the next several years, the increases in state funding and targeted dollars should help break the constant cycle of ballot initiates and reduce the need to ask Lake County and Ohio voters for more property tax levies.

Thank you again for your message and for sharing your thoughts.


Ron Puff │Legislative Aide
Office of Representative Jamie Callender │ Ohio District 61
Ph: 614-644-6074

Second response regarding Homestead Exemption:

Mr. Massie,

I have not spoken with Rep. Callender regarding Rep. Troy’s proposal but I will make sure he is aware of it.  The bill is currently pending in the House Ways and Means Committee. Since Rep. Callender is not on that committee, its possible that he has not looked at it very closely to this point.

Regardless, I will make him aware of your position on the subject.




Categories: Real Estate Taxes, State of Ohio

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