A case against electronic voting machines

Are Our Elections Safe and Secure?

Written by: Mary Pruitt

I agree 100 percent with Sidney Powell,  https://rumble.com/vsb2l0-sidney-powell-at-the-renewal.html

No election is secure, when propriety electronic voting equipment is used in any election. Defendingtherepublic is still fighting the good fight against election fraud. I love this God fearing woman. If Solar Winds hack can go unnoticed by our Nuclear Energy Department and the Pentagon for months, and they could not stop the hack once discovered, why are people so confident with these little voting machines?

Why do the manufacturers rob voters of forensic audits of their machines? Voters should not hand over that kind of power to these wealthy, powerful companies, some of which are owned by “dark money” like state.

The ES200 [LFC correction: DS200] in Lake county requires a Verizon mifi and a flash drive. That is enough for me to be concerned based on the Solar Winds hack.

A true forensic audit requires kinematic analysis as per Jovan Pulitzer teaches. Sending everyone out mail in ballots, especially without id proof, is a recipe for fraud, plain and simple.

The above is a huge reason why the voting rights bill, 

that prohibits anyone for providing id for elections, is a clear and present danger to our Constitutional Republic. The Democrats just want any person to vote, no matter who. They try to act like minorities are too stupid to be able to have documents proving who they are. How does anyone get through current life completely off the grid? Seriously? Democrats are a threat for pushing this pro voting fraud bill.

All Americans, red white and blue, of every race, color, creed, gender identity, political affiliation or age needs to fight this nonsense.

In truth,

Mary Pruitt


The Lake County Board of Elections’ Executive Director, Ross McDonald, provided the following information and clarification on the technology supplied and used by our BOE.

Concerning the DS200 Memory Sticks (flash drive, as the writer says): the sticks are encrypted and are proprietarily sold by ES&S. Further, the memory stick is whitelisted to the machine is it used in, which means no other random flash drive could be plugged into the DS200. If a person stuck a random flash drive into one of our DS200s nothing would happen, other than I wouldn’t be very happy about it and we will quickly launch an investigation with our local law enforcement.  

Concerning the Verizon MiFi. The MiFi connects to the iPads used to check-in voters. It tells us at the Board of Elections pertinent details about the iPads, such as battery status, the poll worker’s user status and their name, and statistical information such as how many voters have checked in. Here again, the writer has created a confluence between voter check-in and vote counting, which are two very different processes. The MiFis do not connect to the DS200s or the ExpressVotes.


Categories: Free Speech Zone


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