America’s Frontline Doctors Speak Out

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Dear Patriot,

In law school we learn that the precedent of our decisions is even more important than the present impact of our decision. We can no longer focus on just the consequences in the present.

The same Big Pharma corporations whom the media and the government are presenting as our saviors have paid over $50 billion in fines to the American people. Pfizer has paid out the largest criminal fine in US history: $2.3 billion in just one case. In fact, the pharmaceutical industry has been assessed 944 fines totaling $56 billion.

We cannot allow pressure from anyone (from the Thought Police to our peers) to “Do the right thing” by ignoring credible science, wearing ineffective masks, and accepting experimental injections.

The propaganda surrounds us.

We are required to recognize that the word “safety” is being deployed solely to curtail our liberties. While many innocent people may think there is some mythical safety afforded, in fact, there is nothing “safe” about the measures being forced upon masses of humanity.

The true battles we face: the elite versus the people; the collective versus the individual.

Demonization and division of humanity are well-practiced tactics by tyrants like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and others who believe they are in control of humanity’s future.

At AFLDS we’re on a mission to expose modern tyrants and share the truth to empower you to successfully defend your freedom.

Thank you for being part of the revolution that will break their grip on humanity’s future.


Simone Gold, MD, JD

Founder, America’s Frontline Doctors


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