Skin on Fire…Dr. Rappaport has the cure

“Chronic” eczema is definitely curable – I know this for a fact!  

This is a very accurate description of the pain and suffering caused by the ongoing over-prescribing and use of topical steroid creams. Most people have no idea that it is the steroids – not eczema – that is the causing their relentless skin problems. Rob’s skin was CURED using Marvin’s protocol of total topical steroid withdrawal

This is part of an email I sent to Dr. Rapoport thanking him for being a maverick in dermatology, and for the extraordinary interview I watched when researching “incurable/chronic” rashes. It changed our lives. We have become very good friends and I want to help him spread his important message of hope and health.

Linda Goudsmit

March 28, 2015
Dear Dr. Rapaport,

We have never met yet I am profoundly grateful to you. I am writing to express my admiration and deep appreciation for your commitment to uncovering the existence of steroid induced eczema and your willingness to state publicly and candidly that the cure is total and complete withdrawal.

The itching, burning, sleeplessness etc of the “eczema” was intolerable. My husband was treated with ongoing topical steroids, intermittent anti-histamines, and occasional antibiotics, etc etc etc. He was patch tested and we went on a regimen of no dyes, fragrances, or chemicals with names I could not pronounce. We completely changed every product in our home including tearing out a soundproofing wall that was emitting low levels of formaldehyde.

In the summer of 2014 our dermatologist concluded that Rob had “chronic” eczema. We left his office and I said, “I do NOT accept chronic as a diagnosis–it only means that no one knows what is wrong.” And then we found you. The 16 minute interview you gave explaining red skin syndrome, topical steroid addiction, and topical steroid withdrawal has changed our lives. Your answers made perfect sense to me. I told my husband that I believed that he was addicted to topical steroids and that total withdrawal was going to be his pathway to health. 
We both have enormous regard for mavericks in the medical profession who have the courage to present and defend their findings even though they are ridiculed and maligned. My husband has extraordinary mental discipline and the strength to stay the course. He discontinued all topical steroids. The withdrawal was painful and difficult but eight months later his skin looks and feels fantastic!! 

Sometimes in life we touch strangers’ lives in profound and significant ways and never know it. Rob and I wanted you to know how deeply and profoundly you have touched our lives. My husband’s health and the quality of our lives has been restored. We can once again relax and enjoy being retired on the beach.

Most sincerely,

Linda & Rob Goudsmit




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