Cambridge Police Entering House Illegally?

LFC Comments: We received the following report from a concerned citizen. We will follow up by sending a records request to the Cambridge Police Department for a police report. Stay tuned.


02/05/02022 @ 3:52 AM …. 2 Cambridge cops were caught on surveillance camera snooping around a house, no one seems to be home, so they take something out of their pocket and jimmy the door open … they let the dog out and they enter the home …. the woman (such as Lotus) was home and she hid … the 2 cops just walked right in walked around a couple minutes and then walked back out and called the dog and let the dog back in the house and left!

3:40 AM watch as they walk up to the door and then jimmy the door open, let the dog out and enter the house …. at 8:50 AM they quietly walk back out, let the dog back in and they close the door.

I wonder if their supervisors knew they were there. I guess we’ll find out when they receive a records request from our favorite requestor LOL … They better have had their body cams on and there better be a police report!!!

Note: The girl who lives there does have a bench warrant (as do I) for not showing up in court for a ticket she received for selling something she grows (not cannabis) I forgot what its called, but you can grow and consume it, but if you sell it, “supposedly” you have to keep a log book on what you sell? Looking into it further!

The Video Surveillance Footage From the Ladies Home


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