Which School District is Number 1 in Lake County?

Written by Brian Massie, Lake County Resident for 40 years

This is our third article about Lake County, Ohio schools. We are very concerned about Riverside’s 5.37 mill, 37- year, $147,725,000 Bond Levy that will further erode senior citizens’ ability to afford their homes. Ever escalating property taxes are pricing them out of their homes that they have worked all their lives to achieve.

Here are links to the first two articles.

In this article, we will provide statistical evidence that demonstrates, not only Riverside’s performance on State testing, but all Lake County schools. There are school levies that are on the May 2022 ballot, and we want to be sure that voters have the facts rather than voting for the emotional mantra “Let’s do it for the children”.

All raw data on this report was taken from the Ohio School Report website. We have merely arranged the data by grade and subject, and compared the results to similar districts and the State averages. We think that you will agree that the results are very interesting and informative. [and depressing!]

Here are the reports as shown on the State’s website. The numbers reflect the percentage of students that are proficient for their grade level and the subjects tested. (Reading, Math, Science) You will see how the school district performed in relationship to similar districts and the amazingly poor State scores.

We summarized the details by school district. Here are the details of the proficiency scores for all nine school districts in Lake County.

Here are summaries of each school district’s scores based on grade level and subject matter. We have also ranked each district for each grade and subject based on the score they achieved. There are separate schedules for elementary, middle school and high school. [You may have to click on the rotate icon to easily read the worksheets.]

Here is a summary of all school districts, and how they compared to similar districts and the State scores by grade and subject matter. Those school districts that do not meet or exceed State scores have some very serious problems, in my opinion. The overall average State score for all public schools is 65.2%. That is a “D” on my grading scale.

So which Lake County school is getting the job done? Who is number one in the County?

And the winner is…..with an overall proficiency score of 84.1%. They were head and shoulders above the rest of the eight other Lake County schools.

Kirtland Local Schools

Congratulations to the teachers, staff and the administrators of the Kirtland School District.

In my opinion, those schools that did not attain at least a 70% score are failing the children, the taxpayers in their school district, and our overall society. Many of these children will not be able to compete for jobs and may be dependent on the government forever.

Fairport Harbor and Wickliffe recently passed massive school levies. In my opinion, new buildings will not improve the scores! Which brings us back to the Riverside massive 5.37 mill, 37 year, $147,725,000 Bond Levy that is on the May 2022 ballot.


Riverside School Board Member Belinda Grassi wrote this message for voters in the school district:

“There will be community members for and community members against, But you deserve the opportunity to have your say on May 3rd. We’ve waited long enough for the opportunity and the time has come.”

“I support this plan which has been vetted thoroughly. Are there unknowns? Of course. There are always unknowns. Can we accurately predict market conditions? Never. What we can do…and what we can show we have done…is put the best plan together to address as many of the unknowns as possible to build a truly modern, cost effective and safe educational facility for current and future generations of learners who are required to have far different learning environments than were in place in the 1950’s in order to be successful in today’s modern work world.”

“Costs will always rise, interest rates will constantly change. We cannot be held to stagnation for fear of the unknown. The unknown will remain. We cannot stall and must stay the course of progress.”

“Stand with me. It’s what’s best for kids.”

Undoubtedly, it affects my wallet. But I am willing to invest in your children, my community, and our future.”

“I voted YES last night. I will vote YES again on May 3rd.”


Ms. Grassi, you mention that we cannot have “fear of the unknown”. Quite frankly, I have fear of what is known. What is known is that Riverside has an overall student proficiency of 75%. Riverside only met 9 of the State’s 24 standards and received a grade of “F”!

Riverside performance against similar districts was terrible. The school performed less than similar districts in 11 out of 21 scores (52.4%) , and could not even match the miserable State scores in 2 of 21 scores (9.5%).

Your High School math scores [Algebra 54.5%, Geometry 64.4%] are embarrasing.

Riverside ranks 4th out of the 9 school districts in Lake County when comparing overall proficiency scores.

Why should we support a school that is ecstatic about being average? New buildings do not ensure improved test scores and smarter children.

Unfortunately, the School Board and the Administration are not transparent about the term and amount of the levy, let me repeat the levy details: 5.37 mills, 37 years, $147,725,000 Bond Levy.

Seniors of the Riverside School District – Do you know the impact on your Housing Affordability Threshold % this massive Bond Levy will have.?

Honesty, integrity, and transparency are the keys to good governance and an informed electorate.

We hope we have helped the taxpayers of the Riverside School District and Lake County with these statistics. Look for our fourth article on Riverside Schools to be published soon.

Since the State Board of Education is pushing and indoctrinating the children with the BLM, 1619 project, SEL, transgender, and gay agendas rather that focusing on basic education, we predict these test scores are only going to get worse.

We are on the wrong path. Destroy the family, babies and morality and a society will collapse. Indoctrination and grooming of impressionable school children is abuse, and an attack on the family structure.

For those that say, well this article covers only 2018 – 2918 school year, does anyone think the scores improved in 2020 and 2021 with the Covid fiasco?


Categories: Education, Lake, Lake County - General, Real Estate Taxes, Riverside S.D.

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