ORP Does Not Believe in Free Speech!

ALERT: Free Speech Denied

Editor’s Note: Ohio Republican Party chairman revokes press credentials, cries ‘fake news’

“Your request for credentials to attend the meeting as a journalist have been denied because The Ohio Press Network is fake news and you’re not a journalist.”—ORP Chairman Robert “Bob” Paduchik

by Jack Windsor, Ohio Press Network

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Robert Paduchik is attempting to cancel reporters alongside committee members who inquire about and investigate Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee (ORP SCC) expenditures and matters.

ORP Chairman Paduchik kicked SCC members off committees after they began questioning accounting irregularities within the state party, objecting to giving money to candidates not yet endorsed by the GOP and debating against endorsing at all before the primary election. Along with ORP Treasurer Dave Johnson, Paduchik is the defendant in a lawsuit brought by these members of the SCC in order to have their rights and responsibilities associated with their elected positions restored.

More recently, longtime, award-winning investigative journalist Duane Pohlman of WKRC-TV in Cincinnati was accused of making false reports and verbally abusing the former ORP communications director after Pohlman’s series aired on television about the $3 million in donor money that has been misreported.Republican National Committee member Jim Dicke of Ohio sent a letter to SCC members badmouthing and attempting to discredit Pohlman. Some of what Dicke wrote in his email was compelling so The Ohio Press Network (OPN) decided to take a closer look.

The result? Paduchik denied press credentials to OPN and its editor-in-chief for today’s SCC meeting.

ORP Communications Director Dan Lusheck contacted OPN through email to report the last-minute decision, which was a reversal of the ORP’s provision of credentials that were provided in writing on February 2.

“This email is to inform you that your organization has not been approved for media credentials….as a reminder, this meeting will be open to the public via Facebook Live Stream @OhioRepublicanParty.”

The decision comes after the former ORP communications director, who initially issued press credentials to OPN, left the organization. According to sources, the exit was due to conflicts with Chairman Paduchik. Prior to the director leaving, OPN had been investigating allegations made by the ORP and an Ohio RNC member involving Pohlman.

When OPN asked the ORP to explain the decision to deny press credentials, Lusheck provided what he termed an “on-the-record response” directly from Chairman Paduchik: “Your request for credentials to attend the meeting as a journalist have been denied because the Ohio Press Network is fake news and you’re not a journalist.”

Paduchik’s comment is a rehashed line he also used in explaining his decision to bar another Ohio news outlet and credentialed journalist.

What is surprising is conduct of the state party—acting like liberal, social media oligarchs, attempting to bully, badger and besmirch anyone who tries to get to the bottom of real issues.

The questions remain: What is the two-year-old toddler fit about? What is being deflected from and covered over? Stories related to these matters would have died on the vine a long time ago but for Bob Paduchik’s handling of real issues and the real consequences of his behavior.

We’re going to dive deeper and work harder to report on this and much more over the coming weeks.

President of Ohio Value Voters, John Stover, stated:”Just as the Obama Administration led the effort to block Fox News from reporting on White House activities,

Obama vs. Fox News — behind the White House strategy to delegitimize a news organization | Fox News

The Ohio Republican Party has decided to block the Ohio Press Network from reporting the news.”


LFC Comments by Brian Massie, Executive Director

Can this Party be saved? What does it really mean to be a Republican anymore? What do the stand for? We are, hereby, revoking the claim by any “leader” in the Republican Party from referring to themselves as a “Conservative”. It no longer has any meaning.

How do we get the political class to be responsive to the needs of the average citizen instead of the special interest groups?

The Democrats must be amazed at their good fortune when they see the opposition (but sometimes secretive allies) imploding right before their eyes.

At a time when Republicans are supposed to “run the table” in the 2022 elections, we see them undermining the will of the people, and being no better than the Democrats.

Honesty, integrity and transparency are the keys to good governance and an informed electorate!

It is becoming very apparent that something must give because our system of governance is in deep trouble.


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