Archbishop Vigano’s Video…Don’t Give Up! We Are With You.

This absolutely brought me to tears. 

For me, the Archbishop’s message was like listening to George VI (Colin Firth) deliver the King’s Speech. It was inspiring and historic in its clear, concise, realistic summary of the threat of the current globalist coup in our time. His message was incredibly powerful in its call for freedom loving people around the world to find their inner courage and fend off the assault on liberty and humanity – as the Canadian truckers have done. BRAVO!

I have more in common with Archbishop Vigano and his extraordinary message than I do with most of the Jewish community. Very sad.

Linda Goudsmit


Carlo Maria Viganò is an archbishop of the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016.

Archbishop Viganò has spoken out against The Great Reset and the Globalist Agenda 2030 publicly many times. He now gives his full support to the Canadian truckers and the worldwide Freedom movement.




Categories: Free Speech Zone


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