Month: February 2022

A Colossal Humanitarian Hoax

My remarks are for anyone who still thinks the COVID19 debacle has anything whatever to do with public health. The Covid fear campaign is and was always about mandating “vaccines.” These experimental mRNA jabs are the weapon of choice that deliver totalitarian social control disguised as public health. It is a colossal humanitarian hoax that is futuristic in design – your children and your children’s children are the target. It explains why big-Pharma is targeting babies with zero risk from covid – it is about the mRNA platform that will alter the human genome and launch humanity 2.0 and transhumanism. 

Currently, the older parents and grandparents are just in the way, and the younger parents are so indoctrinated and frightened they do not see the threat to themselves and their precious children. We are way past science fiction – we live in the realm of science and technology being controlled and perverted by the psychopaths and megalomaniacs of technocracy and the managerial state.  
Most people are still so frightened about COVID19, they fail to grasp that world domination is a next-generation objective. The “vaccines” are the weapons in this offensive war on humanity 1.0.

Transhumanism Agenda of Klaus Schwab

Yuval Harari accepts transhumanism as an inevitability – WHY?  Transhumanism is only an inevitability if the globalist campaign for planetary governance is not stropped! Linda Goudsmit / February 7, 2022 Video: The Transhumanism Agenda of Klaus Schwab & Dr…. Read More ›

HB 546 Needs Support from Seniors…updated 2/10/22

“Seniors have no one fighting for them. This is truly a growing silent majority who instead of
enjoying their twilight years they now have their entire lives upended because they have to
move somewhere less expensive. This adds unneeded stress to people who most likely already
face health problems and the need to plan for their own mortality!”…Bob Patterson

Follow the Science

Yet our corrupted FDA approved it. Why? FDA is a revolving door of lobbyists. Trump’s FDA was run by Scott Gottlieb. He is a board member for Pfizer. (2) Was Operation Warpspeed borne from that lobbyist relationship? This FDA corruption has been the case for decades. (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) If healthcare leaders weren’t so corrupt, and our human rights weren’t tossed out by authoritarian regimes in USA and abroad, it would actually be funny how allegedly intelligent people have blinders to this FDA corruption fact for Covid vaccines. The FDA gets an F for FAILURE, as well as those people who blindly trust them. No participating trophies for you!