Month: February 2022

Dr. Peter Hotez is not American.

Here are several articles that indicate Hotez belongs in China, not the USA. Why was Fauci funding covid studies which were part of China PLA with money awarded to authoritarian lover Dr Hotez? If you or I would be any part of any of this, we would be buried under the jails already. But criminals Dr. Fauci, Dr. Daczak, members of the DOD and Dr. Peter Hotez are still raking in the big bucks and running their mouths calling out doctors with actual integrity.

Corruption in the Auditor’s Office Alleged

“These unilateral actions caused the Auditor’s department to go over their line-item budget which is against Ohio Law; and created the need for a financial bail-out from the Lake County Commissioners to bring the Auditor’s department out of the  red to prevent a negative financial stability rating of the county as a whole.”…Joe Shriver