Why do Ohio Legislators Prefer Corporate Donors Over the Average Citizens?

LFC Comments: Thanks to a Mentor lobbyist for sending this article from solari.com to us.


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Moderna’s Stock Value has crashed by 70%.  (prior to Ukraine).   Former Blackrock investment adviser Edward Dowd calls for Moderna to go to zero and Pfizer to end under ten dollars per share.

What does Wall Street know that you do not know?  

Over 25,000 Americans, including many teenagers, died from Covid injections using new mRNA technology that did not agree with them.  Insurance companies are reporting a 40% increase in non-Covid deaths.  Morgues are ordering more freezers.  Despite the biggest experiment in human history, and the possibility that people might be forced to be guinea pigs again, the Ohio legislature has failed to oppose vaccine mandates by supporting a strong bill–HB248.  Why?   I am told that Ohio legislators prefer their corporate donors over the health freedom of their constituents.   Please ask you legislator whether that is true or not.  

Simultaneously, the Federal Reserve and Senator Sherrod Brown are promoting a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), a ‘digital wallet’ that the government will put money into – and take money out of at will.  Brown calls it his “Banking For All Act”.   A CBDC is “programmable” money.  This means that the Federal Reserve will also be able to turn your money “on” and “off”.  If the Fed needs more spending in the economy, your money may start to evaporate if it sits too long unspent.   Or, if the government wants to reduce gasoline consumption, you might get to the register of your favorite Italian grocer only to find that your money has been turned off; because the government uses GPS to limit you to a driving zone = to a 5 mile radius around your house.   Or, you go to that same Italian grocer and find that you can’t purchase sausage because you have already exceeded your meat rations.   

The Federal Reserve will tell you that you can keep cash for now.   But, I promise that it won’t stay that way.   Why?  Because once they make cash useless; you will be trapped inside of their system where tyrants like King Trudeau or King Biden can control you.   Neither the U.S. nor Canada have a CBDC… yet.  However, that did not stop King Justin Trudeau from deciding to confiscate the online bank accounts of truck drivers who were peacefully protesting against mandates.   Imagine tyrants like that having even more digital power over you! 

Where is the push for CBDC and travel passports (aka vaccine passports) really coming from?   You can go directly to the World Economic Forum’s website.   They are not hiding anything.     Controlling your “digital identity” is part of the WEF Great Reset project.   Prince Charles, Bank of America, Black Rock, Trudeau, and many more elites are involved.   The WEF has also openly threatened to take all of our property.  They have stated that “You will own nothing…and be happy”   How?  Massive inflation will throw many people into bankruptcy and foreclosure.     They (the largest banks) and their friends will get to own everything via cascading defaults.    Covid was a trial run.   Lockdowns forced many small businesses into bankruptcy; while allowing large corporations like Walmart and Target to remain open.     Their model is economic warfare. 


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