For those that voted for Biden…are you happy now?

LFC Comments by Brian Massie, average citizen

What do you think will happen when food prices soar, gasoline approaches $10 per gallon, and our Southern border is open to the world?

Answer: “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.”…Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum

Even if Donald Trump wins in 2024, the cavalry is not coming to save us. We must save ourselves by getting involved at the local level. It is past time to stand up and be counted. We are in a fight for our country, our families, and our way of life.

“Build Back Better” is not a call for “Heaven on Earth”, but a call for worldwide communism with two classes of people – the rulers and the ruled. And guess which class you will be in?

Oh, lest I forget, “LET’S GO BRANDON”!


Categories: Free Speech Zone

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