Month: March 2022

Dr. Andrew Hill, The Man Who Killed Millions?

“However, as a medical scientist, Dr. Hill also held several financial conflicts within his research.  He received funding for his work from the same industry institutions who would benefit financially from a vaccination protocol.  One organization was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation who funded Unitaid, the organization Dr. Hill admits had influence over his final determinations.”…Sundance

School Based Health Centers

“The selling points of convenience, consistency, efficiency, and efficacy are nice-sounding descriptions for taking over family responsibilities. Of concern is the data tracking that can be assumed in a partnership between schools and healthcare.”…Geauga Lobbyist

The Clintons’ Russia – Ukraine Grift

“Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was quick to cast blame as war unfolded in Ukraine. On MSNBC last week, she blasted former President Trump for “giving aid and comfort to Vladimir Putin” with an offhand remark that the Russian president was a “genius.” Mrs. Clinton conveniently omitted mention that not too long ago, she and her husband had raked in millions working both sides of a Russia-Ukraine grift.”…Judicial Watch

Putin vs. Zelenskyy Not What It Seems

‘The NWO is a feudal system with a feudal infrastructure. At the tip of the pyramid are the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and British Royals. Putin will be rewarded with reunification of the USSR – his personal ambition. Feudalism cannot work without feudal lords and fiefdoms.”…Linda Goudsmit

Gene Therapy Marketed As Vaccines

““I always like to say: if we had surveyed two years ago in the public – ‘would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?’ – we probably would have had a 95% refusal rate,” he said, adding, “I think this pandemic has opened many people’s eyes to innovation.”

Florida Lawmakers Do Not Protect Free Speech

“Many doctors told The Epoch Times the measure was needed because throughout the pandemic they’ve faced backlash—including investigations leading to the possible stripping of their medical licenses—for sharing opinions on vaccines, the wearing of masks, or for advocating for off-label use of medications, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.”