Paving a Digital Road to Hell

Leo Hohmann / July 18, 2022

I have repeatedly warned that the two things the globalists must get people to accept before they can fully implement their Great Reset (aka New World Order) are a global digital money system to replace the current fiat currencies and a globally recognized digital ID system to replace the cards in our wallets. 

Yes, ladies and gents, the Fourth Reich is rising.

Once these two things are in place — digital money and digital IDs — we will have reached the point of no return. The long coveted one-world beast system will be cemented in place. Nobody will be able to buy or sell without “showing your digital papers.” This is what Covid was all about, getting rid of the dirty money (cash) and plastic ID cards, and getting people to accept a digital ID, which will start out as a digital health passport with your own individually assigned QR code.

Once these two things are in place — digital money and digital IDs — we will have reached the point of no return. The long coveted one-world beast system will be cemented in place. Nobody will be able to buy or sell without “showing your digital papers.” This is what Covid was all about, getting rid of the dirty money (cash) and plastic ID cards, and getting people to accept a digital ID, which will start out as a digital health passport with your own individually assigned QR code.

Once the cash money and physical ID cards are gone, so goes what’s left of our economic privacy, our freedom of movement, freedom of speech, and right on down the line to total tyranny. We will own nothing, have no privacy and learn to like itor else.

The article below updates us on the drive to get every man, woman and child on planet Earth registered with a digital ID tied to the one-world economic system. It is based on a surprising report out of New York University, of all places.

New York University’s Center for Human Rights and Global Justice has issued a chilling warning about the potential dangers to human rights posed by the push for digital identity.

By Derrick Broze

In mid-June, the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice, a “hub for human rights study” at New York University (NYU) School of Law, issued a 100-page report detailing the growing dangers of a reliance on digital identity around the world. The report, titled Paving a Digital Road to Hell?, examines the role of the World Bank and other international networks which have been promoting the use if digital ID in recent years.

The report notes that the World Bank has been “energetically promoting biometric and other digital ID systems that are increasingly linked to large-scale human rights violations, especially in the Global South.” 

The researchers warn that digital identity schemes “promoted in the name of development and inclusion, might be achieving neither.” Despite ostensible good intentions on the part of some promoting these systems, they “may well be paving a digital road to hell.”




The press release for the report notes (emphasis added):

“Governments around the world have been investing heavily in digital identification systems, often with biometric components (digital ID). The rapid proliferation of such systems is driven by a new development consensus, packaged and promoted by key global actors like the World Bank, but also by governments, foundations, vendors and consulting firms.

The report states that many of the digital identity schemes are taking inspiration from the Aadhaar system in India. This specific digital ID model has prioritized digital ID as an “economic identity,” according to the report. 

“The goal of such systems is primarily to establish ‘uniqueness’ of individuals, commonly with the help of biometric technologies,” the release states. This in turn allows for bringing in impoverished people from the “informal” or “counter-economy” to the formal economy. This also has the effect of “unlocking” their behavioral data that can then be used by governments and other parties.

The report also notes that the Executive Chairman of the influential ID4Africa, a platform where African governments and major companies in the digital ID market meet, noted at the 2022 Annual Meeting in June that digital ID is no longer about identity alone but,

“enables and interacts with authentication platforms, payments systems, digital signatures, data sharing, KYC systems, consent management and sectoral delivery platforms.”

The report details how the promoters of the new digital/economic identity model often evade “difficult questions” about the legal status and rights of those being registered. Despite promises of inclusion and flourishing digital economies, digital ID systems have “consistently failed to deliver on these promises in real-world situations, especially for the most marginalized.” The Aadhaar system itself has been criticized for severe and large-scale human rights violations.

In fact, the report finds that the evidence indicates it is the small group of companies and governments who stand to benefit most from these systems.

“After all, where digital ID systems have tended to excel is in generating lucrative contracts for biometrics companies and enhancing the surveillance and migration-control capabilities of governments.”

Who is Driving the Push to Digital Identity?

The authors of the report also call for a “more clearly developed notion of ‘who’ are the most relevant actors driving this agenda and ‘what’ are the key concepts that should be contested and reimagined.” They say that much can be learned by focusing on the actions of the World Bank Group, and “more specifically its ID4D Initiative, as a central node in a more extensive global network of digital ID promotion.”


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