Lake County Investment Strategy Update

August 5, 2022

LFC Comments by Average Citizen:

Before the regular Commissioners’ meeting on Thursday, August 4, 2022 there was a meeting held by the Lake County Advisory Committee, consisting of Commissioners John Plecnik, Commissioner John Hamercheck, and Treasury Mike Zuren.

Here are the pages of the Investment Strategy Update presented by Eileen Stanic, CTP, Regional Director , Advisory Services.

On page 7 you will see the $ amounts that the County has invested.

Cash $265,023,986
Securities $171,838,855
Total $436,862,841

Since the total used to be ~$350,000,000, I asked Treasurer Zuren why is there such a large increase in the invested funds. I was told that tax collections have just been received, and within 30 days scheduled payments will be made that will significantly reduce that number.

I will stay on top of this issue are report back to our readers.

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Lake County Liberty Coalition


Categories: Lake County - General, Lake County Cities & Townships


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