19 State AGs Warn Blackrock

Excellent investigative journalism by Alex Newman, an excellent investigative journalist. The “Great Reset” that Klaus Schwab promotes, relies on behemoths like BlackRock to impose its globalist political agenda. The “liberal agenda” is a means to the globalist end. Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to replace our constitutional republic with its own planetary managerial state.

Globalism is the existential enemy of America’s national sovereignty, and every American’s individual sovereignty. Bravo to the 19 AGs with the courage to push back against BlackRock and its globalist age
Linda Goudsmit


and website: lindagoudsmit.com



19 State AGs Warn BlackRock to Stop Pushing Political Agenda

By Alex Newman  August 16, 2022

Excerpts from the article:

A growing coalition of state governments is pushing back against the world’s largest asset manager, saying it is putting its political agenda over the interests of clients and even U.S. national security.

Last week, a group of 19 state attorneys general from Republican-leaning states sent a strongly worded letter (pdf) to BlackRock CEO Larry Fink demanding an end to this agenda and a return to fulfilling its fiduciary duties, suggesting the company’s actions may even be illegal.

Saying that the company and its allies had failed to convince legislatures to back its ideas, Knudsen blasted what he argued was the company’s effort to impose “idealistic, green, utopian, progressive ideas” on Americans through economic pressure instead.

“I think companies like this are really teetering on the edge of being in violation of their fiduciary obligations,” added Knudsen, saying investigations and action by the legislature would be the next steps.

Indeed, numerous state laws require that fiduciaries such as BlackRock operate “solely” in the interests of their beneficiaries, for the “exclusive purposes” of benefiting those beneficiaries, the officials noted. In other words, their only job is to make money—not promote alternative agendas.

But instead of focusing simply on the risk and return of investments, as required, the letter accuses BlackRock of engaging in “activism” and even sacrificing the best interests of clients, taxpayers, and pensioners by focusing on its “climate agenda” and other political goals.

“As the attorney general, I have a responsibility to protect consumers from restrictions on production and unlawful market manipulation,” Rokita said in an email.

“Big banks and money managers are coordinating efforts to suppress investment in energy,” he added. “Their goal is to shut down coal and natural-gas plants to push their political agenda.”





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