Illegal Distribution of Lake County’s Local Government Funds

By Brian Massie, Citizen Journalist

The subject of Local Government Funds just took an unlikely turn, thanks to the Lake County Township Association. Here is one of the many articles we have written about the LGF.

It has been discovered that the “alternate formula”, developed in 1982 by those in power at the time, has not been followed since the source of the population statistics to be used, the Federal Office of Revenue Sharing, ceased to exist a few years after the “alternate formula” was passed by resolution. The “Exhibit A” (shown below) is very clear on the procedures to be used if the population statistics are no longer available. The long established, totally ineffective Lake County Budget Commission failed the taxpayers once again.

We will say it again: “There are very few elected officials looking out for the financial interests of the average Lake County taxpayer.” We have become a tax and spend county that is “sucking the lifeblood out of the community” with sales and property taxes.

The following documents provide the historical proof of the resolution establishing the “Alternate Formula”, and the “Exhibit A” provides the procedures of how the formula is to be calculated.

Here are the videos of Commissioner John Hamercheck, and Concord Township Trustee and President of the Township Association, Morgan McIntosh discussing the Local Government Funds at the Lake County Commissioners’ meeting.


Categories: Lake County - General, Lake County Politics, Uncategorized

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