“I Believe in God, NOT Captain Planet”

By Brian Massie, Citizen Journalist


Separating theology from science in NOACA’s climate-change debate: Editorial Board Roundtable

  • Published: Apr. 29, 2023, 5:59 a.m.

Excerpts from the article:

The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency has been working on a Climate Action Plan since last fall, gathering data on local auto emissions and holding community outreach meetings in the five counties for which it does air-quality and transportation planning — Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain and Medina. It’s also been meeting with its board and board committees.

The process has not been without hiccups, including pushback from some who don’t believe that human-induced climate change is real, or an urgent problem.

On April 7, NOACA held a special meeting of its executive and finance & audit committees to which all interested board members were also invited, to hammer out how to proceed. End result, as reported by cleveland.com’s Peter Krouse: The committees recommended that “climate action planning” as part of an overall work plan and budget go to the full NOACA board for approval in June.

But there was more. At that meeting, board members repeatedly brought up God to frame their feelings about climate change, including two climate-change doubters on the board.

“I’ll vote for this no matter what we name it,” Lake County Commissioner John Plecnik said, “but I want to say for the record I believe in God, not Captain Planet.” Also expressing climate-change doubts: board alternate Adam Friedrick of Medina County.

Passing the document will allow the five-county region to tap into $4.6 billion in federal climate-pollution-reduction funds, Krouse notes.

So do theological beliefs belong in the climate-change debate? And what does it say that, despite overwhelming evidence, some local officials still doubt the truth of human-caused climate change?


LFC Comments: To read the editorial board’s comments about Commissioner Plecnik’s position on climate change go to the cleveland.com link above.

Commissioner Plecnik provided us with the following comments about the third article written about his “Captain Planet” quote.

“The #fakenews loses it when you question their blind faith in climate change. Religion is a matter of faith, but real science is never settled and always subject to debate. I believe in God, NOT Captain Planet.”


LFC Comments by Brian Massie, Climate change denier, global warming doubter, or whatever other label you want to tag me with regarding this hoax.

We agree with Commissioner Plecnik’s position on climate change. However, we formed our opinion years ago when we read that Mikhail Gorbachev and his fellow Russians were behind the global warming, climate change hoax in the early 1990’s, if not before. This is the real Russian disinformation campaign that the left should be exposing, but we know that will never happen because their ultimate goal is the destruction of the United States of America. And the communists’ “useful idiots” are doing exactly what was expected of them. They bought the hoax “hook, line and sinker”. Repeat the lie often enough, and it becomes “fact” in the minds of the average citizen.

Ever hear of the “Green Cross”? It is the “Red Cross” for the environment, and was started by Gorbachev in 1993. I just laugh when I hear, or read that Gorbachev was a real environmentalist. It is interesting to me that communists do not seem to really care if the totalitarian government that they seek is installed worldwide in their lifetime. They are satisfied knowing that they have created chaos and unrest in the world and ultimately their goal will be achieved.

President Ronald Reagan’s famous quote was “Trust, But Verify”. We believe in “Verify Then Trust” because the lies, deceptions and betrayals surround us.






Categories: Free Speech Zone


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