Narcotics Board Meeting Held June 7th…Crystal Meth in high demand

By Brian Massie, Citizen Journalist, Watchman on the Wall

I attended the Lake County Narcotics Board meeting today, and recorded the follow video.

Director Patrick Hengst announced that crystal meth can be bought on Lake County streets. It is relatively cheap compared to the purchase of cocaine and fentanyl. After the meeting, I asked for the cost of one ounce of crystal meth, cocaine, and fentanyl.

One ounce equals 28.3 grams, and a gram is the amount that is usually consumed by drug users.

DrugCost per OunceCost per Dose [Gram]
[Cost per ounce/ 28.3]
Crystal Meth$350.00$12.36

A vote was taken today to spend $63,000 on body cameras for the officers.

Did you know that a portion of of the revenue generated by tickets written in the State of Ohio goes to the State for drug enforcement? There are less tickets being written every year because of Covid, new officers being hired do not want to write tickets, and unfortunately, a general public lack of confidence in law enforcement.

LFC Editorial Opinion: I agree with Director Hengst that we will not prosecute our way out of the drug problem in Lake County. The open border policy of the Biden administration has allowed the Sinaloa Mexican Drug Cartel into our County, and the drugs are just flowing into our community, killing our younger generations, and destroying lives and families.

What are you going to do about it?

We will update this article when the Director sends us the approved minutes for the last meeting.



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Categories: Lake County - General, Lake County Politics


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