Commissioner John Hamercheck Urges You Vote NO on Issue 1

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Lake County Commissioner John Hamercheck believes strongly that Issue 1 must be defeated. In fact, he has spent his own money financing a radio commercial pleading with voters to VOTE NO on Issue 1.

Commissioner Hamercheck’s daughter Sarah is also in the commercial urging citizens to VOTE NO on issue 1.

Click on the link to hear the radio commercial.


Radio transscript:

“Hello, this is Lake County Commissioner John Hamercheck. I’m asking you please to vote NO on Issue 1. Please read the language, been an informed voter. The right choice is to vote NO on Issue 1.”

“And this is Sarah Hamercheck, write in candidate for Madison Township’s Fiscal Officer. I’m asking you to please vote NO on Issue 1. Issue 1 is not about a women’s right to choose, or a women’s reproductive rights that are already protected by law. Issue 1 is about putting unrestricted abortion authority that would include late-term and partial birth abortion into Ohio’s Constitution. Please read the language, be an informed voter, vote NO on issue 1.”

“This is Sarah Hamercheck, write in candidate for Madison Township’s Fiscal Officer. I am also asking on behalf of myself and all other elected officials that we are not forced when taking office to swear an oath to uphold a constitution that includes unrestricted abortion authority.”



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