Riverside School District…Inappropriate Video Taken

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

We received an email with the following communications from the Riverside High School’s Principal, Mr. Hall.


Dear Riverside Campus Families,

Today, Riverside Campus Administrators were made aware that a student took an inappropriate video of another student in a school bathroom and posted that video on social media.

Campus Administrators were able to identify the student who took the video and the Lake County Sheriff’s Office was contacted to assist with the investigation and notify the Lake County Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office for review of criminal charges. The student was then released to their parent.

Incidents like these are against our student code of conduct and the issue will be addressed in a manner consistent with our disciplinary protocols.

We are sending out this message as a reminder to parents to actively engage in conversation with their children to make sure they understand the ramifications that could result with inappropriate school behavior and the misuse of social media.  
While some teenagers or young adults may view these actions as innocent, harmless pranks on the surface, incidents like this are criminal activities and will be investigated by school administrators and the Lake County Sheriff’s Office.

We ask parents to remind students who may have received this video – or any other inappropriate images or content like this on social media – to immediately delete it. Resharing or forwarding of images, videos or inappropriate content like this can have severe unintended consequences. 

As always, the safety of our students and staff is our top priority. The Riverside Local School District is committed to maintaining a safe and non-threatening environment where students can learn and feel comfortable.


Mr. Hall
Riverside Campus



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