Press Release from Sheriff Leonbruno

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Thanks to the Lake County Sheriff Frank Leonbruno for giving the community the needed warning about the Federal government’s open border policy, and the looming physical danger that may be facing all Lake County residents.

We have published the press release in a “pdf” and “jpeg” format for our readers.

LFC Comments by Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

The following is an article that I wrote for the News-Herald in 2017. It was here that I first mentioned pricing seniors out of their homes because of the ever-increasing property taxes. I was trying to give a warning that a sovereign nation with the duty to protect its citizens cannot have open borders. Our leaders have sold us all out. This all may be a cover for the coming collapse of our banking system.

By the way, this letter caused our Catholic priest at the time to imply that I was not a good Christian for not advocating for open borders. This was the same church that said that the message of Sodom and Gomorrah was a “lack of hospitality”. We have become Sodom and Gomorrah with the epic center being Washington, D.C.

Unfortunately, we have become a man-centered country rather than a God-centered country. There is a penalty to be paid for mocking God.

“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a person sows, this he will also reap.”…Galatians 6:7


Categories: Lake County - General


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