Fuel the Machine…Stand With Trump

By William Andrew

The 2024 and Beyond Edition: It is very clear today that a professional unaccountable ruling class in DC have hijacked our freedom machine. They endorse crime against Americans, open our borders, allow chaos, lawfare, and massive drug deaths by the thousands weekly. We are indeed under a chemical weapons attack that kills far more Americans than all battlefield deaths that occurred during our past 3 most recent wars combined.  *111,877 in the last 12 month period June 22 to June 23.

It is obvious where we will end up  as they drive our constitutional freedom machine at Mach speed towards a cliff leading directly to the bottomless canyon of socialism and heavy handed authoritarian rule.

Warning signs and danger mean nothing to them who deny our God given inalienable rights, our independence, our right to RULE THEM and our Constitution.

They have an agenda and Middle Americans are not part of it unless we become their willing and silent serfs.

A New Birth of Freedom, as Abraham Lincoln once called it, may again be coming to America. But we too must face the fact that America is at war and our very survival is clearly at stake. You and I must do all we can do to help in its delivery. Don’t be fooled to think that the new birth of freedom isn’t yours to hold and cherish.
Freedom is a fragile child, birth is extremely painful and only free Americans can see their future on the child’s face. Do you see it? Don’t let the new birth be aborted.

No President or presidential candidate is as independent as Donald J Trump. He exposed the dangerous socialist left and the mountains of mess they slammed America into. We were dented and dinged when Trump first pulled the wrapper off of their pretty packaged policies of poisoned promises and exposed them for what and who they really are:dangerous, incompetent,negligent, and unworthy to lead the greatest free and blessed people on earth.

Now today we have veered into oncoming traffic facing a fatal head on collision.
We and Donald Trump need to grab the wheel again or face slavery or even worse.
Our new math for 2024 is when We The People make the 45 turn into the 47.

Our White House IS NOT occupied just by Joe Biden! He is not simply an old weird former senator who suffered 2 brain aneurisms and has unraveled  everything our 45th President did to strengthen us.

Joe is camouflage for a group of billionaire extreme globalists leftists who want to dissolve our republic and turn it into a mob rule “Democracy” joined to a global community of controllers and dictators. They look at regular people like herds of animals to be control or culled off as useless eaters rather than created beings made in the image of God Almighty.

Our trajectory doesn’t look too good IF we stand here idle. But we won’t stand here idle will we?  WE each have a role in America and in the maintenance of our own freedom.

Our Prayer: ” Lord please stabilize our Nation. Open our eyes and mouths. Give us the wisdom of our founding Fathers. Unite us fiercely again. Reveal our enemy. Give us great profound strength. Help us help our posterity. Be our Rock.”



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