Month: March 2024

Spiritual Warfare From The Bible

“There is a spiritual war going on in America and everywhere else on this earth and in the heavenlies!!!  YOU are in a spiritual war whether you know it or acknowledge it.  Many Christians and non-Christians are being destroyed today because they are not engaged or know of this spiritual war.”…Reverend Glynn Adams

Chapter 9: Norman Dodd Interview

Our Founding Fathers advocated meritocracy, a system based on ability, achievement, and equal opportunity. They understood that equality of opportunity achieves excellence. Gardner examines an alternative theory that focuses on equality of outcome, also known as equity, and argues that the goals of excellence and equity are not incompatible.”…Linda Goudsmit

Becky Lynch, Annie Payne & Rose Ioppolo Speak Out About Pornography in Mentor Schools

It is very refreshing to see and hear such Christian stalwarts as Board members Rose Ioppolo and Annie Payne continue to protect the children in their districts from the seemingly never ending onslaught of sexual material and perversion in their district. We also thank Ms. Becky Lynch for stepping up to the front line and expressing her concerns to the Board and the Administration.