Barack Obama Finally Said One True Thing

Susan Daniels June 28, 2024

Barack Obama Finally Said One True Thing:

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”

Joe did not disappoint. The Democrats have been trying to put lipstick on that pig for fifty years. And now the Emperor is naked and without lipstick.

Barack Obama, who is incapable of telling the truth himself, was trying to convince people that, despite how Joe did things, people should still vote for him.

We all watched the debacle of a debate. Biden didn’t realize that he was being played by the Democrat party and his alleged pal, Obama, was one of the gamers.

Obama looked like the good guy when he led Biden off the stage at the Peacock Theater after their recent fundraiser. Rectitude is not one of Obama’s traits. It was just Obama’s move on the game board.

What did they do to Biden for a week preparing him for the debate except buy him shoes so he wouldn’t trip? We all know he knew what the questions were in advance. What did they do to his voice? The minute Biden opened his mouth we all knew there was trouble brewing in River City.

The cutthroat round table immediately after the debate was sympathetic but all explained why Joe must go. Van Jones said he loves Joe and it was “painful” to watch. Van Jones played his role. Jones got tossed from the White House by Obama. Jones claimed he quit there because he had become a distraction after a smear campaign. Liars one and all.

Biden is a pathological liar and has cashed a government check for fifty years of worthless service to the State of Delaware. He can now leave with the millions of dollars he and his corrupt family have accumulated through lies and shady dealings. The best part is not getting rid of him. It will be unloading his wife who will always be known as the elder abuser: Doctor Jill, the woman who dressed in upholstery material.

Unfortunately, this opens the door for the Obamas to come out in support of another loser Democrat. Obama is a more convincing liar than Joe Biden. What has Obama done during the past seven years since he left the White House? A recent photo suggests a lot of drugs or alcohol. The first photo is from January 18, 2017, when he made his last official speech. The second was taken recently.

One true thing about Biden. He didn’t use a stolen social security number. Obama can’t make that claim.

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